The Biden administration announced Tuesday a new Global Health Security Strategy that purports to better prepare the country for future pandemics by “partnering with other countries.”
The only way to stop these parasites is to create our own workable scenarios and totally forget they even exist (right after arresting them for treason and crimes against humanity).
This is on track for the great reset and it's expected derivative pandemic X. They need to create new scams and related scamdemics to fuel the MSM and the morons that believe what the MSM spouts.
Additionally, throwing more and more printed fiat currency at intentional problems has the added benefit for the cabal of higher inflation and its related societal woes.
The globalists seem to have one strategic approach, but innumerable variations to run upon that same theme.
The only way to stop these parasites is to create our own workable scenarios and totally forget they even exist (right after arresting them for treason and crimes against humanity).
This is on track for the great reset and it's expected derivative pandemic X. They need to create new scams and related scamdemics to fuel the MSM and the morons that believe what the MSM spouts.
Additionally, throwing more and more printed fiat currency at intentional problems has the added benefit for the cabal of higher inflation and its related societal woes.