This Wen woman is another lying Fauci. Get her out of any position. She sounds like she is pushing a Chinese agenda of chaos and starvation for the American people.

Nothing the CDC says is credible.

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Immediately revoke liability shields from all vaccine manufacturers.

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After what they pulled with the covid massacre, I will NEVER listen to a word from the CDC. It's quite sad because one day there will be something very dangerous.

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After Leana Wen's offensive, ignorant, and unsupportable public remarks made in the guise of "expert commentary" during covid, she should be blackballed from appearances on even the most captured of media outlets.

Leana Wen has disgraced her profession and misled a trusting public to take unnecessary and harmful measures in response to her scientifically groundless scolding and fear-inducing threats.

Perhaps Peter Hotez can hire her to do menial tasks he seems incapable of, such as combing his hair and laundering his clothing. I suppose they'd get along famously considering their like-mindedness.

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I completely agree Kathleen! Leana Wen and Peter Hotez are two such vile fraud artists who have done so much damage to Americans and the world.

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I am a chemist but I've studied other sciences and many other things on my own. Could somebody tell me the science behind this? What I mean is, specifically if this vaccine is given to domesticated animals and their milk for food consumption - do the vaccines given to the animals get destroyed through cooking or pasteurization or do they transfer to humans through consumption? And if they don't do any endotoxins or any biochemical byproducts from the activities of the vaccines in the bodies of these animals survive? I know one exception for sure already: heavy metals.

For ethical reasons I myself will probably find a way to avoid such animals for consumption. But I was wondering about the safety for anyone.

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Just like everything else in Baltimore, broken, misleading, dishonest and corrupt. Wen is just another in a long line of Baltimore Politicians and Appointees who drink the kool-aid and that can’t be trusted.

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Psychotic Monsters. Stand against their Pseudo-Science BS Religion for Control, $$$, Death and Harm!

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Someone do need to be waked up. Some of us are wakening up. It does feel to express our grievances. A little of that is healthy. But we must focus on possible solutions, courses of action given these course of agrarian and research events. Okay, there are problems. What can we do in our homes, communities, and churches practically speaking?

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I read somewhere on another substack that Leanna Wen was also interviewed on camera at the Boston marathon bombing. I’m sure this video can be found (sorry I can’t recall the substack but it was about false flag operations conducted by our govt). She is clearly an intelligence asset.

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Here is the CNN interview with Wen a couple days AFTER the Boston Marathon bombing in April 2013. She says she was working at Mass General Hospital when the bombing occurred and treated some of the injured.


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No one was injured by bombs in Boston.

It was a FEMA drill with crisis actors.

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Note: WWIII is NOT a drill!!!

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Corporatism - the merger between corporate interests and the state has given rise to both war and pestilence profiteering - both antithetical to life itself. The remedy is to create another separation of powers and address the failures of allowing personhood without liability. Both conditions increase the probability of criminal behaviors that violate human rights laws. Reinstating corporate charters and oversight with the possibility of revocation if/when proven track records of criminal behavior occur repeatedly could keep malfeasance in check, but we need to establish a robust system of checks that cannot be compromised by those with conflicts of interest.

One's policy proposal to address this issue head-on is provided through an open-source policy site, Policies for the People at the following link: https://forum.policiesforpeople.com/t/policy-to-establish-the-separation-of-the-corporatocracy-and-the-state-addressing-corporate-personhood/17028

Feel free to weigh in on this concept and provide recommendations to improve the proposal.

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Thank you, Dr. McCullough, for this excellent report.

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I dislike how this sounds like I'm doing my own version of fear mongering, but facts on the table are that during Biden's disastrously open border policy, an untold amount of young Chinese males were funneled in a highly organized and efficient manner, dispersing throughout the US. This was so efficient and coordinated that it had China coordinating with NGOs written all over it.

That many young Chinese males don't get to simply leave, not with China having the population problem they're having. How many have already forgotten we've uncovered a illegal bio lab in 2023 run by Chinese nationals in Reedly, CA containing highly infectious agents on site? Think that's the only one? And its not just China, we got plenty of intelligent, motivated and highly committed enemies funneling in from the middle east as well.

Ironically, Wen is right about one thing. Life has to get hard for us Americans to wake up from our torpor and realize, we have a heck of a lot of house cleaning ahead of us, we are literally surrounded by enemies abroad and within. So we best come together, roll up our sleeves, and aggressively demand accountability and no excuses from our officials.

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There’s no science- these people are criminals who are shilling for the pharmaceutical companies. May they all burn in hell

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"All the case patients who were exposed to infected poultry were involved in depopulation activities.” So murdering millions of chicken and cattle and God knows what else in the name of Science™.

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11 Dead in 'Safe and Effective' Bird Flu Vaccine Trial as Big Pharma Races to Roll Out Jabs

Baxter Dmitry


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11 Dead in 'Safe and Effective' Bird Flu Vaccine Trial as Big Pharma Races to Roll Out Jabs

Baxter Dmitry


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