Paul Offit is on Substack recommending Covid vaccines for children under 5. The “inventors” recommend the Covid vaccines for children NOT for their own benefit but for their parents and grandparents. The CDC concedes the Covid vaccines don’t prevent transmission and infection. And the latest studies show Covid vaccine “shedding” is a serious health risk. And one of the largest studies to date has confirmed a staggering level and variety of Covid vaccine injuries. Only one of two things can be true. Offit, Karinko, Weissman et al are schizophrenics or they are liars engaged in a massive cover-up because objective science can not assert a proposition is both true and false at the same time.

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I'll take" Along for the Ride for$500.00 "Alex.

And while their silly game show remains queued....Only "ONE" of two things can be true. Simply A+

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Mass Murder for Money

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Do you think the public would stop taking the m-rna vaccines if we divulged a peer reviewed study found NICOTINE in the jabs???

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The COVID vaccine development involves the consumption of human babies through the use of aborted fetal cell lines. This is barbarous. There is innocent blood on the hands of these vaccine developers, manufacturers, and consumers.

This pope is storing up wrath for himself.

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I am shocked that this monster isn’t in jail not being celebrated by of all things, the church

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for HE is trampling down the vineyards where the grapes of wrath are stored... HIS vengeance is terrible and swift...

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For he is a murder. He is the father of all lies . There is no truth in him . 666 has taken his seat

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Katherine Watt has explained that this pope is the Anti-Pope.

I agree with her.

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But she confesses to be catholic. You can’t have a cake and eat it too.

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Have you read what she has written about the Pope and the Catholic Church?

She has written a very detailed discussion of what has happened to the Papacy. I don't understand all of it because I am not Catholic, but she covers a good deal of history and I think she makes a good case. At the same time she very much believes in God and her Catholic faith is extremely important to her. Anything she writes about the papacy is written with love for Christ. I respect her integrity.

That said, you are certainly within your rights to disagree.

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I used to be catholic, and the key words are “used to”. Hope you will understand knowing that little piece of info.

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Intellectual Protestants are pouring into the Catholic Church every Easter. Bible scholars, professors, lawyers, students, philosophers, every other brand of thinking praying person… because Faith and Reason are inseparable for the Truth.

Uninformed Catholics leave Christ’s 2000-year-old Church for an insipid 500-year-old man-made reinterpretation of Scripture that isn’t even rationally coherent. Dust off your Catholic Catechism.

Come back to the altar of the Lord and stand fast in faith.

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How would you know that I left to go elsewhere? 🤣🤣 Bible is enough for me. That's what I dusted off, and it is enough for me w/o any evil and false churches, pastors, priests and doctrines on either side.

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Laugh’s on you, girlfriend… ;)

Basically St. Peter said to the Lord, when He asked His Apostles if they would leave Him too, as the multitude who’d had enough of His hard teachings walked away…t o read their read their Scriptures on their own, I guess, without anyone nearby who might be sinful and corrupt and taint their “experience”…

“To whom would we go, Lord? You alone have the Words of Eternal Life.”

This, note Alina, was said directly after He gave us His teaching about eating His Flesh and Drinking His Blood….John 6… …which we can only do… within His Church… Pray, friend, and think too.

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There have been anti-popes before. Even Judas was a traitor apostle.

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But this one is THE Anti Pope, the one spoken of in end times.

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When blatant untruths can be broadcast by Nobel Prize winners using the megaphone of Mass media at the center of the publishing world, and be praised and rewarded for their lies; we, as a society, a country and a civilization have gone off the rails.

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And you wonder why the Catholic church has become irrellivant to many....only those who choose not to look or those corrupted in their souls turn away from the harms these " gene altering poisons maquerading as vaccines " have caused all of humankind....

For this Pope to support and promote such evil is the dammnation of his church.....!

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The infiltration and corruption of the church heierarchy with blasphemous modernism and Freemasonry was deliberate and by design. Read the Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita.

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The Pope is NOT the Catholic Church.

Yes, this is a time of rampant evil, BUT:

Good and bad popes will come and go, but the Catholic faith and doctrines will stand for all time til the end of Time. Christ guaranteed it.

We aren’t some man-made made-up 500-year-old new interpretation of Scriptures that isn’t even intellectually coherent (no wonder thinking Protestants are pouring into the Catholic Church).

Stand fast. God is not asleep.

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My faith is in the Holy Trinity, not the Pope, and the Catholic Church is not the only church to be led by someone more in alignment with Satan that with the Holy Trinity.

I remember the day the smoke informed the world that a new Pope had been elected. I did not know who was elected, but, out of nowhere, I began to cry; intuitively, I knew that the new Pope was going to betray the Holy Trinity and the Catholic Church (laity and clergy, combined), and embolden those who are prone to attack the Catholic Church. Deliberate division and diversion are core to Satan's efforts to divide us from the Holy Trinity and divide us. ..., against each other, the Ten Commandments and the Pledge of Allegiance.

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As a Catholic this is why I no longer give money to the church.

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Traditional Latin Mass or bust! That’s what drew me back to observing the faith more deeply after 41 yrs in self exile from Vatican 2 Novus Ordo ape of the church.

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I have no idea on where to find a latin Mass. How did you?

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Look up the Fraternity of St. Peter, or the Institute of Christ the King. They have parishes around the country. This Pope made it harder to find a Latin Mass as they used to be widely available on the schedule even at regular parishes.

But the Latin Mass is not your only option. Are you near an Eastern Catholic rite parish? Byzantine, Ukrainian, Maronite, Melkite?

As well, there is the Anglican Use rite, the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter in the US, which Pope Benedict created for the converts POURING into the Catholic Church from Protestantism (especially Anglicans and Episcopalians).

These parishes are nestled among Roman rite parishes but have their own (faithful!) bishops. You can support them!

Do NOT starve yourself and stay away from the Holy Eucharist because of the bad bishops! That is the Devil’s objective for you!

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Thank you so much for your suggestion. I'm in Canada and I'll investigate here with the leads you have put forth.

I will not starve myself of the Eucharist and do go to Mass. You are right in that is the Devil's objective. However I do have a no. of charities including Catholic that I donate to on a monthly basis. There are many needy people in the world.

Again, many thanks for your help.

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You’re welcome! I’m blest to live within a drive of multiple of these alternative bishops AND a Latin Mass community, so I’m surrounded by good faithful priests not necessarily Roman rite though there are always a few good ones of those.

But yes, I too have ceased donating to the Roman rite bishop, diocese or parish and choose faithful Catholic charities. God bless!

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Is this even serious? Is this some kind of a joke ? Who would appoint any of these monsters to a church. They were spawned in hell . Absolute monsters . How many people have died from your technology. Oh that’s right , you don’t care . You will on that great and terrifying day of the lord when monsters like this will be dealt with appropriately

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Citizens indictment and citizens arrest. Time to pull them out like weeds. We have to do it ourselves people.

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What is this BS-the Pope has had his Tribunal

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As a practicing, very involved Catholic I can only pray that the Church reverses this. She is demonic and against life.

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The Church will not. She has been taken by Satan, and is as vile a place as you could imagine in the Vatican...the hidden things from the public, well. Read Father Malachi's Windswept House...no doubt a few stout and faithful true souls remain there, but most are as corrupted by love of power, of money, things, sex etc. It could not be otherwise. It is why I do not go to 'church' anymore. I would rather commune with God and Jesus in nature and see them in the world in the small and hidden ways. Ponder the mysteries of life and its miracles. What need have I of preaching to, or sacrament from a priest who is not himself in tune with truth but proclaims the mysteries? when the one preaching does not preach TRUTH but some watered down version twisted version, a version that is in fact corrupted from the original? No thank you. I'll keep my money, time and energy for those I see who need it, not for the Church (which by the way is one of those sponsoring the 'invasion' of the USA with illegals, along with 'other' missionary groups and NGOs.)

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Leave the human body be……inject your own body with your poisonous jabs…….

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Sounds like the Pope Daddy had gone globalist .

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criminal missuse of mrna technology ie sppikke protiieenn,,,, [ not the mrna tech ],,,.... she should have investigated the sppiikkkee protien ... before her statments ... good God please help us all return/turn to goodness and truth

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Does the UN-pope realize that this technology was developed and tested using aborted human baby cells?

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Yes, he does. But his “excuse” for granting this “exception” was the lie that the only cure for Covid was the shot. I guess it’s okay to dance with the Devil when you can self-righteously justify it.

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Diane, I’m sure you know as well as I that after all of us take our last breath, we face God for an audit of our entire life with just eternal judgement. Doing my best to prepare for that eternity.

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